• Asynchronous Training of Word Embeddings for Large Text Corpora Anand, Avishek; Khosla, Megha; Singh, Jaspreet; Zab, Jan-Hendrik; Zhang, Zijian in WSDM ’19 (2019). 168–176.
  • Neural Based Statement Classification for Biased Language Hube, Christoph; Fetahu, Besnik (2019).
  • Citation Needed: A Taxonomy and Algorithmic Assessment of Wikipedia’s Verifiability Redi, Miriam; Fetahu, Besnik; Morgan, Jonathan; Taraborelli, Dario (2019).
  • EventKG - the Hub of Event Knowledge on the Web - and Biographical Timeline Generation Gottschalk, Simon; Demidova, Elena (2019).
  • TableNet: A Knowledge Graph of Interlinked Wikipedia Tables Fetahu, Besnik; Anand, Avishek; Koutraki, Maria (2019).
  • Building and Querying Semantic Layers for Web Archives (Extended Version) Fafalios, Pavlos; Holzmann, Helge; Kasturia, Vaibhav; Nejdl, Wolfgang (2018).
  • Heuristics-based Query Reordering for Federated Queries in SPARQL 1.1 and SPARQL-LD Yannakis, Thanos; Fafalios, Pavlos; Tzitzikas, Yannis (2018).
  • Towards Better Understanding Researcher Strategies in Cross-Lingual Event Analytics. Gottschalk, Simon; Bernacchi, Viola; Rogers, Richard; Demidova, Elena in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, E. Méndez, F. Crestani, C. Ribeiro, G. David, J. C. Lopes (eds.) (2018). (Vol. 11057) 139–151.
  • TweetsKB: A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets Fafalios, Pavlos; Iosifidis, Vasileios; Ntoutsi, Eirini; Dietze, Stefan (2018).
  • Learning under Feature Drifts in Textual Streams Melidis, Damianos P.; Spiliopoulou, Myra; Ntoutsi, Eirini (2018).
  • RDF Dataset Profiling - a Survey of Features, Methods, Vocabularies and Applications Ben Ellefi, Mohamed; Bellahsene, Zohra; John, Breslin; Demidova, Elena; Dietze, Stefan; Szymanski, Julian; Todorov, Konstantin (2018). 9(5) 677–705.
  • EventKG: A Multilingual Event-Centric Temporal Knowledge Graph Gottschalk, Simon; Demidova, Elena in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2018). 272–287.
  • DistrustRank: Spotting False News Domains Woloszyn, Vinicius; Nejdl, Wolfgang in WebSci’18 (2018).
  • Posthoc Interpretability of Learning to Rank Models using Secondary Training Data Singh, Jaspreet; Anand, Avishek (2018).
  • Detecting Biased Statements in Wikipedia. Hube, Christoph; Fetahu, Besnik P.-A. Champin, F. L. Gandon, M. Lalmas, P. G. Ipeirotis (eds.) (2018). 1779–1786.
  • A Trio Neural Model for Dynamic Entity Relatedness Ranking Nguyen, Tu Ngoc; Tran, Tuan; Nejdl, Wolfgang (2018).
  • EventKG+TL: Creating Cross-Lingual Timelines from an Event-Centric Knowledge Graph Gottschalk, Simon; Demidova, Elena (2018). 164–169.
  • Tracking the History and Evolution of Entities: Entity-centric Temporal Analysis of Large Social Media Archives Fafalios, Pavlos; Iosifidis, Vasileios; Stefanidis, Kostas; Ntoutsi, Eirini (2018).
  • Modeling Event Importance for Ranking Daily News Events Setty, Vinay; Anand, Abhijit; Mishra, Arunav; Anand, Avishek in WSDM ’17 (2017). 231–240.
  • Tempas: Temporal Archive Search Based on Tags. Holzmann, Helge; Anand, Avishek (2017). abs/1702.01076
  • What’s new? Analysing language-specific Wikipedia entity contexts to support entity-centric news retrieval. Zhou, Yiwei; Demidova, Elena; Cristea, Alexandra I. (N. Nguyen; R. Kowalczyk; A. Pinto; J. Cardoso, eds.) (2017). 10190 210–231.
  • ArchiveWeb: Collaboratively Extending and Exploring Web Archive Collections. How would you like to work with your collections? Fernando, Zeon Trevor; Marenzi, Ivana; Nejdl, Wolfgang (N. Adam; R. Furuta; E. Neuhold, eds.) (2017).
  • Designing Search Tasks for Archive Search Singh, Jaspreet; Anand, Avishek in CHIIR ’17 (2017). 361–364.
  • On Analyzing User Topic-Specific Platform Preferences Across Multiple Social Media Sites Lee, Roy Ka-Wei; Hoang, Tuan-Anh; Lim, Ee-Peng in WWW ’17 (2017). 1351–1359.
  • ArchiveWeb: collaboratively extending and exploring web archive collections---How would you like to work with your collections? Fernando, Zeon Trevor; Marenzi, Ivana; Nejdl, Wolfgang (2017). 1–17.
  • Building and Querying Semantic Layers for Web Archives. Fafalios, Pavlos; Holzmann, Helge; Kasturia, Vaibhav; Nejdl, Wolfgang (2017). 11–20.
  • Multi-aspect Entity-centric Analysis of Big Social Media Archives Fafalios, Pavlos; Iosifidis, Vasileios; Stefanidis, Kostas; Ntoutsi, Eirini (2017). 261–273.
  • Time-Aware Entity Linking Joao, Renato Stoffalette (2017).
  • ArchiveWeb: collaboratively extending and exploring web archive collections - How would you like to work with your collections? Fernando, Zeon Trevor; Marenzi, Ivana; Nejdl, Wolfgang (2017).
  • Universal Distant Reading through Metadata Proxies with ArchiveSpark Holzmann, Helge; Goel, Vinay; Gustainis, Emily Novak (2017).
  • Software as a first-class citizen in web archives Holzmann, Helge (2017, May).
  • Software citation, landing pages, and the swMATH service Sperber, Wolfram; Dalitz, Wolfgang; Holzmann, Helge (2017, October).
  • Multi-aspect Entity-Centric Analysis of Big Social Media Archives. Fafalios, Pavlos; Iosifidis, Vasileios; Stefanidis, Kostas; Ntoutsi, Eirini in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Kamps, G. Tsakonas, Y. Manolopoulos, L. Iliadis, I. Karydis (eds.) (2017). 261–273.
  • Ongoing Events in Wikipedia: A Cross-lingual Case Study Gottschalk, Simon; Demidova, Elena; Bernacchi, Viola; Rogers, Richard (2017). 387–388.
  • Fine Grained Citation Span for References in Wikipedia Fetahu, Besnik; Markert, Kajta; Anand, Avishek (2017).
  • Towards a Ranking Model for Semantic Layers over Digital Archives Fafalios, Pavlos; Kasturia, Vaibhav; Nejdl, Wolfgang (2017). 336–337.
  • Fine Grained Citation Span for References in Wikipedia. Fetahu, Besnik; Markert, Katja; Anand, Avishek (2017). abs/1707.07278
  • Accessing web archives from different perspectives with potential synergies Holzmann, Helge; Risse, and Thomas (2017).
  • Analyzing Web Archives Through Topic and Event Focused Sub-collections Gossen, Gerhard; Demidova, Elena; Risse, Thomas in WebSci ’16 (2016). 291–295.
  • Analysing Temporal Evolution of Interlingual Wikipedia Article Pairs. Gottschalk, Simon; Demidova, Elena R. Perego, F. Sebastiani, J. A. Aslam, I. Ruthven, J. Zobel (eds.) (2016). 1089–1092.
  • Archiving Software Surrogates on the Web for Future Reference Holzmann, Helge; Sperber, Wolfram; Runnwerth, Mila N. Fuhr, L. Kov{á}cs, T. Risse, W. Nejdl (eds.) (2016). 215–226.
  • Linking Mathematical Software in Web Archives Holzmann, Helge; Runnwerth, Mila; Sperber, Wolfram G.-M. Greuel, T. Koch, P. Paule, A. Sommese (eds.) (2016). 419–422.
  • Analysing Temporal Evolution of Interlingual Wikipedia Article Pairs Gottschalk, Simon; Demidova, Elena (2016).
  • Semi-supervised Identification of Rarely Appearing Persons in Video by Correcting Weak Labels M{ü}ller, Eric; Otto, Christian; Ewerth, Ralph in ICMR ’16 (2016). 381–384.
  • History by Diversity: Helping Historians Search News Archives Singh, Jaspreet; Nejdl, Wolfgang; Anand, Avishek in CHIIR ’16 (2016). 183–192.
  • Exploring the past of the web: alexandria & archive-it hackathon. Anand, Avishek; Bailey, Jefferson W. Nejdl, W. Hall, P. Parigi, S. Staab (eds.) (2016). 14.
  • How to Search the Internet Archive Without Indexing It Kanhabua, Nattiya; Kemkes, Philipp; Nejdl, Wolfgang; Nguyen, Tu Ngoc; Reis, Felipe; Tran, Nam Khanh in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, N. Fuhr, L. Kov{{á}}cs, T. Risse, W. Nejdl (eds.) (2016). (Vol. 9819) 147–160.
  • Finding News Citations for Wikipedia Fetahu, Besnik; Markert, Katja; Nejdl, Wolfgang; Anand, Avishek in CIKM ’16 (2016). 337–346.
  • Cobwebs from the Past and Present: Extracting Large Social Networks Using Internet Archive Data Shaltev, Miroslav; Zab, Jan-Hendrik; Kemkes, Philipp; Siersdorfer, Stefan; Zerr, Sergej in SIGIR ’16 (2016). 1093–1096.
  • On the Applicability of Delicious for Temporal Search on Web Archives Holzmann, Helge; Nejdl, Wolfgang; Anand, Avishek in SIGIR ’16 (2016). 929–932.
  • SaR-Web - {A} Tool to Support Search as Learning Processes Fulantelli, Giovanni; Marenzi, Ivana; Ahmad, Qazi Asim Ijaz; Taibi, Davide in {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, J. Gwizdka, P. Hansen, C. Hauff, J. He, N. Kando (eds.) (2016). (Vol. 1647)
  • Search As Research Practices on the Web: The SaR-Web Platform for Cross-language Engine Results Analysis Taibi, Davide; Rogers, Richard; Marenzi, Ivana; Nejdl, Wolfgang; Ahmad, Qazi Asim Ijaz; Fulantelli, Giovanni in WebSci ’16 (2016). 367–369.
  • Temporal Information Retrieval Kanhabua, Nattiya; Anand, Avishek in SIGIR ’16 (2016). 1235–1238.
  • ArchiveSpark: Efficient Web Archive Access, Extraction and Derivation Holzmann, Helge; Goel, Vinay; Anand, Avishek in JCDL ’16 (2016). 83–92.
  • Named Entity Evolution Recognition on the Blogosphere Holzmann, Helge; Tahmasebi, Nina; Risse, Thomas (2015). 15(2-4) 209–235.
  • Herausforderungen für die nationale, regionale und thematische Webarchivierung und deren Nutzung Nejdl, Wolfgang; Risse, Thomas (2015). 62(3-4) 160–171.
  • Mining Relevant Time for Query Subtopics in Web Archives Nguyen, Tu Ngoc; Kanhabua, Nattiya; Nejdl, Wolfgang; Niederée, Claudia in TempWeb’2015 (2015).
  • Learning to Detect Event-Related Queries for Web Search Kanhabua, Nattiya; Nguyen, Tu Ngoc; Nejdl, Wolfgang in TempWeb’2015 (2015).
  • Named entity evolution recognition on the Blogosphere Holzmann, Helge; Tahmasebi, Nina; Risse, Thomas (2015). 15(2-4) 209–235.
  • The iCrawl Wizard – Supporting Interactive Focused Crawl Specification Gossen, Gerhard; Demidova, Elena; Risse, Thomas (2015).
  • Improving Entity Retrieval on Structured Data Fetahu, Besnik; Gadiraju, Ujwal; Dietze, Stefan in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2015). (Vol. 9366) 474–491.
  • iCrawl: Improving the Freshness of Web Collections by Integrating Social Web and Focused Web Crawling Gossen, Gerhard; Demidova, Elena; Risse, Thomas in JCDL ’15 (2015). 75–84.
  • Time-travel Translator: Automatically Contextualizing News Articles Tran, Nam Khanh; Ceroni, Andrea; Kanhabua, Nattiya; Niederée, Claudia in WWW’2015 (2015).
  • Who With Whom And How?: Extracting Large Social Networks Using Search Engines Siersdorfer, Stefan; Kemkes, Philipp; Ackermann, Hanno; Zerr, Sergej in CIKM ’15 (2015). 1491–1500.
  • Semantic URL Analytics to Support Efficient Annotation of Large Scale Web Archives Souza, Tarcísio; Demidova, Elena; Risse, Thomas; Holzmann, Helge; Gossen, Gerhard; Szymanski, Julian (2015). 153–166.
  • Balancing Novelty and Salience: Adaptive Learning to Rank Entities for Timeline Summarization of High-impact Events Tran, Tuan A.; Niederee, Claudia; Kanhabua, Nattiya; Gadiraju, Ujwal; Anand, Avishek in CIKM ’15 (2015). 1201–1210.
  • Semantic Annotation for Microblog Topics Using Wikipedia Temporal Information Tran, Tuan; Tran, Nam-Khanh; Teka Hadgu, Asmelash; Jäschke, Robert (2015).
  • What Triggers Human Remembering of Events? A Large-Scale Analysis of Catalysts for Collective Memory in Wikipedia Kanhabua, Nattiya; Ngoc Nguyen, Tu; Niederée, Claudia (2014).
  • Named Entity Evolution Analysis on Wikipedia Holzmann, Helge; Risse, Thomas in WebSci ’14 (2014). 241–242.
  • Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Dataset PROFIling & fEderated Search for Linked Data (PROFILES 2014), co-located with the 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), Anissaras, Crete, Greece, 26 May 2014. Demidova, E.; Dietze, S.; Szymanski, J.; Breslin, J. (2014). (Vol. 1151) CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • What Do You Want to Collect from the Web? Risse, Thomas; Demidova, Elena; Gossen, Gerhard (2014).
  • Named Entity Evolution Analysis on Wikipedia Holzmann, Helge; Risse, Thomas in WebSci ’14 (2014). 241–242.
  • Analysing the Duration of Trending Topics in Twitter using Wikipedia Tran, Tuan; Georgescu, Mihai; Zhu, Xiaofei; Kanhabua, Nattiya (2014).
  • A Burstiness-aware Approach for Document Dating Kotsakos, Dimitrios; Lappas, Theodoros; Kotzias, Dimitrios; Gunopulos, Dimitrios; Kanhabua, Nattiya; Nørvåg, Kjetil (2014).
  • Bridging Temporal Context Gaps using Time-Aware Re-Contextualization Ceroni, Andrea; Khanh Tran, Nam; Kanhabua, Nattiya; Niederée, Claudia (2014).
  • Leveraging Dynamic Query Subtopics for Time-Aware Search Result Diversification Nguyen, Tu Ngoc; Kanhabua, Nattiya in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, M. de Rijke, T. Kenter, A. P. de Vries, C. Zhai, F. de Jong, K. Radinsky, K. Hofmann (eds.) (2014). (Vol. 8416) 222–234.
  • Hedera: Scalable Indexing and Exploring Entities in Wikipedia Revision History Tran, Tuan; Nguyen, Tu Ngoc (2014).
  • Competitive Game Designs for Improving the Cost Effectiveness of Crowdsourcing Rokicki, Markus; Chelaru, Sergiu; Zerr, Sergej; Siersdorfer, Stefan in CIKM ’14 (2014). 1469–1478.
  • Extraction of Evolution Descriptions from the Web Holzmann, Helge; Risse, Thomas in JCDL ’14 (2014). 413–414.
  • Extraction of evolution descriptions from the web Holzmann, Helge; Risse, Thomas (2014).
  • iCrawl: An integrated focused crawling toolbox for Web Science Gossen, Gerhard N. Brügger (ed.) (2014).
  • Insights into Entity Name Evolution on Wikipedia Holzmann, Helge; Risse, Thomas B. Benatallah, A. Bestavros, Y. Manolopoulos, A. Vakali, Y. Zhang (eds.) (2014). (Vol. 8787) 47–61.
  • The History of Web Archiving Toyoda, M.; Kitsuregawa, M. (2012). 100(Special Centennial Issue) 144–1443.
  • Discovering URLs through user feedback Bai, Xiao; Cambazoglu, B. Barla; Junqueira, Flavio P. (2011). 77–86.
  • Dremel: interactive analysis of web-scale datasets Melnik, Sergey; Gubarev, Andrey; Long, Jing Jing; Romer, Geoffrey; Shivakumar, Shiva; Tolton, Matt; Vassilakis, Theo (2010). 3(1-2) 330–339.
  • Socio-Sense: A System for Analysing the Societal Behavior from Long Term Web Archive Kitsuregawa, Masaru; Tamura, Takayuki; Toyoda, Masashi; Kaji, Nobuhiro Y. Zhang, G. Yu, E. Bertino, G. Xu (eds.) (2008). (Vol. 4976) 1–8.
  • A user reputation model for a user-interactive question answering system Chen, Wei; Zeng, Qingtian; Wenyin, Liu; Hao, Tianyong (2007). 19(15) 2091–2103.
  • User-centric Web crawling Pandey, Sandeep; Olston, Christopher (2005). 401–411.