- EventKG - the Hub of Event Knowledge on the Web - and Biographical Timeline Generation (2019).
- Asynchronous Training of Word Embeddings for Large Text Corpora in WSDM ’19 (2019). 168–176.
- Neural Based Statement Classification for Biased Language (2019).
- TableNet: A Knowledge Graph of Interlinked Wikipedia Tables (2019).
- Citation Needed: A Taxonomy and Algorithmic Assessment of Wikipedia’s Verifiability (2019).
- Tracking the History and Evolution of Entities: Entity-centric Temporal Analysis of Large Social Media Archives (2018).
- A Trio Neural Model for Dynamic Entity Relatedness Ranking (2018).
- Heuristics-based Query Reordering for Federated Queries in SPARQL 1.1 and SPARQL-LD (2018).
- EventKG: A Multilingual Event-Centric Temporal Knowledge Graph in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2018). 272–287.
- Posthoc Interpretability of Learning to Rank Models using Secondary Training Data (2018).
- Building and Querying Semantic Layers for Web Archives (Extended Version) (2018).
- User Fairness in Recommender Systems in WWW ’18, P.-A. Champin, F. L. Gandon, M. Lalmas, P. G. Ipeirotis (eds.) (2018). 101–102.
- RDF Dataset Profiling - a Survey of Features, Methods, Vocabularies and Applications (2018). 9(5) 677–705.
- Learning under Feature Drifts in Textual Streams (2018).
- Towards Better Understanding Researcher Strategies in Cross-Lingual Event Analytics. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, E. Méndez, F. Crestani, C. Ribeiro, G. David, J. C. Lopes (eds.) (2018). (Vol. 11057) 139–151.
- TweetsKB: A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets (2018).
- DistrustRank: Spotting False News Domains in WebSci’18 (2018).
- EventKG+TL: Creating Cross-Lingual Timelines from an Event-Centric Knowledge Graph (2018). 164–169.
- Detecting Biased Statements in Wikipedia. P.-A. Champin, F. L. Gandon, M. Lalmas, P. G. Ipeirotis (eds.) (2018). 1779–1786.
- Fine Grained Citation Span for References in Wikipedia. (2017). abs/1707.07278
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- Towards a Ranking Model for Semantic Layers over Digital Archives (2017). 336–337.
- Building and Querying Semantic Layers for Web Archives. (2017). 11–20.
- Accessing web archives from different perspectives with potential synergies (2017).
- Designing Search Tasks for Archive Search in CHIIR ’17 (2017). 361–364.
- Time-Aware Entity Linking (2017).
- Multi-aspect Entity-centric Analysis of Big Social Media Archives (2017). 261–273.
- Tempas: Temporal Archive Search Based on Tags. (2017). abs/1702.01076
- Ongoing Events in Wikipedia: A Cross-lingual Case Study (2017). 387–388.
- ArchiveWeb: collaboratively extending and exploring web archive collections - How would you like to work with your collections? (2017).
- On Analyzing User Topic-Specific Platform Preferences Across Multiple Social Media Sites in WWW ’17 (2017). 1351–1359.
- ArchiveWeb: collaboratively extending and exploring web archive collections---How would you like to work with your collections? (2017). 1–17.
- Modeling Event Importance for Ranking Daily News Events in WSDM ’17 (2017). 231–240.
- What’s new? Analysing language-specific Wikipedia entity contexts to support entity-centric news retrieval. (N. Nguyen; R. Kowalczyk; A. Pinto; J. Cardoso, eds.) (2017). 10190 210–231.
- ArchiveWeb: Collaboratively Extending and Exploring Web Archive Collections. How would you like to work with your collections? (N. Adam; R. Furuta; E. Neuhold, eds.) (2017).
- Multi-aspect Entity-Centric Analysis of Big Social Media Archives. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Kamps, G. Tsakonas, Y. Manolopoulos, L. Iliadis, I. Karydis (eds.) (2017). 261–273.
- Universal Distant Reading through Metadata Proxies with ArchiveSpark (2017).
- Software as a first-class citizen in web archives (2017, May).
- Software citation, landing pages, and the swMATH service (2017, October).
- Temporal Information Retrieval in SIGIR ’16 (2016). 1235–1238.
- Who Likes Me More?: Analysing Entity-centric Language-specific Bias in Multilingual Wikipedia in SAC ’16 (2016). 750–757.
- History by Diversity: Helping Historians Search News Archives in CHIIR ’16 (2016). 183–192.
- Semi-supervised Identification of Rarely Appearing Persons in Video by Correcting Weak Labels in ICMR ’16 (2016). 381–384.
- ArchiveSpark: Efficient Web Archive Access, Extraction and Derivation in JCDL ’16 (2016). 83–92.
- Exploring the past of the web: alexandria & archive-it hackathon. W. Nejdl, W. Hall, P. Parigi, S. Staab (eds.) (2016). 14.
- On the Applicability of Delicious for Temporal Search on Web Archives in SIGIR ’16 (2016). 929–932.
- Analyzing Web Archives Through Topic and Event Focused Sub-collections in WebSci ’16 (2016). 291–295.
- Archiving Software Surrogates on the Web for Future Reference N. Fuhr, L. Kov{á}cs, T. Risse, W. Nejdl (eds.) (2016). 215–226.
- How to Search the Internet Archive Without Indexing It in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, N. Fuhr, L. Kov{{á}}cs, T. Risse, W. Nejdl (eds.) (2016). (Vol. 9819) 147–160.
- Cobwebs from the Past and Present: Extracting Large Social Networks Using Internet Archive Data in SIGIR ’16 (2016). 1093–1096.
- Finding News Citations for Wikipedia in CIKM ’16 (2016). 337–346.
- Who likes me more? Analysing entity-centric language-specific bias in multilingual Wikipedia (2016).
- Analysing Temporal Evolution of Interlingual Wikipedia Article Pairs. R. Perego, F. Sebastiani, J. A. Aslam, I. Ruthven, J. Zobel (eds.) (2016). 1089–1092.
- Analysing Temporal Evolution of Interlingual Wikipedia Article Pairs (2016).
- SaR-Web - {A} Tool to Support Search as Learning Processes in {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, J. Gwizdka, P. Hansen, C. Hauff, J. He, N. Kando (eds.) (2016). (Vol. 1647)
- Search As Research Practices on the Web: The SaR-Web Platform for Cross-language Engine Results Analysis in WebSci ’16 (2016). 367–369.
- Linking Mathematical Software in Web Archives G.-M. Greuel, T. Koch, P. Paule, A. Sommese (eds.) (2016). 419–422.
- Time-travel Translator: Automatically Contextualizing News Articles in WWW’2015 (2015).
- The iCrawl Wizard – Supporting Interactive Focused Crawl Specification (2015).
- Semantic Annotation for Microblog Topics Using Wikipedia Temporal Information (2015).
- Herausforderungen für die nationale, regionale und thematische Webarchivierung und deren Nutzung (2015). 62(3-4) 160–171.
- Semantic URL Analytics to Support Efficient Annotation of Large Scale Web Archives (2015). 153–166.
- Who With Whom And How?: Extracting Large Social Networks Using Search Engines in CIKM ’15 (2015). 1491–1500.
- Improving Entity Retrieval on Structured Data in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2015). (Vol. 9366) 474–491.
- iCrawl: Improving the Freshness of Web Collections by Integrating Social Web and Focused Web Crawling in JCDL ’15 (2015). 75–84.
- Groupsourcing: Team Competition Designs for Crowdsourcing in WWW ’15 (2015). 906–915.
- Learning to Detect Event-Related Queries for Web Search in WWW ’15 Companion (2015). 1339–1344.
- Balancing Novelty and Salience: Adaptive Learning to Rank Entities for Timeline Summarization of High-impact Events in CIKM ’15 (2015). 1201–1210.
- Competitive Game Designs for Improving the Cost Effectiveness of Crowdsourcing in CIKM ’14 (2014). 1469–1478.
- Analysing the Duration of Trending Topics in Twitter using Wikipedia (2014).
- Analyzing Relative Incompleteness of Movie Descriptions in the Web of Data: A Case Study (2014). (Vol. Vol-1272) 197–200.
- A Burstiness-aware Approach for Document Dating (2014).
- Bridging Temporal Context Gaps using Time-Aware Re-Contextualization (2014).
- Leveraging Dynamic Query Subtopics for Time-Aware Search Result Diversification in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, M. de Rijke, T. Kenter, A. P. de Vries, C. Zhai, F. de Jong, K. Radinsky, K. Hofmann (eds.) (2014). (Vol. 8416) 222–234.
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- iCrawl: An integrated focused crawling toolbox for Web Science N. Brügger (ed.) (2014).
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- Bridging Temporal Context Gaps Using Time-aware Re-contextualization in SIGIR ’14 (2014). 1127–1130.
- Analysing and Enriching Focused Semantic Web Archives for Parliament Applications (2014). 6(3) 433.
- Insights into Entity Name Evolution on Wikipedia B. Benatallah, A. Bestavros, Y. Manolopoulos, A. Vakali, Y. Zhang (eds.) (2014). (Vol. 8787) 47–61.
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