L3S is a great hub for interdisciplinary AI research. With its Trustworthy AI Lab and the Leibniz AI Lab focusing on personalized medicine, this is the perfect place to study social and ethical aspects of AI in medicine.
Hildt – Quote

L3S is a great hub for interdisciplinary AI research. With its Trustworthy AI Lab and the Leibniz AI Lab focusing on personalized medicine, this is the perfect place to study social and ethical aspects of AI in medicine.
The goals of the Lab are to conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in AI and its application in healthcare. I am very pleased to see activities designed to make a difference in the real world, specifically in hospitals. And it is
The Leibniz AI Future Lab is addressing problems of great social impact developing and using technology that can transform our lives, e.g., by designing personalized healthcare solutions. I am excited to apply my skills and expertise in artificial intelligence to