Every month we introduce a member of the Leibniz AI Lab. This month, Soumyadeep Roy introduces himself. Soumydeep is a PhD student in the Future Lab and joined in January 2021.

Who are you, and what project are you currently working on?
Hi, I am Soumyadeep. I joined the Future Lab as a Ph.D. student in January 2021. My research interests are natural language processing and machine learning in healthcare. Currently, I work on developing data-driven models for subtyping patients suffering from Parkinson’s Disease based on their clinical and genetic data. Parkinson’s Disease is a complex neurodegenerative disorder with high heterogeneity in clinical symptoms (motor and non-motor), progression course, treatment response, and genetic factors. Patient subtyping helps improve disease mechanism understanding and facilitates targeted interventions or treatment regimens.
What do you find most exciting or interesting about your work?
I find it most interesting to get the opportunity to work with an international team at the Leibniz AI Lab and collaborate closely with the medical experts of Hannover Medical School (MHH). Moreover, the objective of the Leibniz AI Lab fits perfectly with my Ph.D. topic of “Incorporating domain knowledge in medical applications.”
What made you decide to study for a Ph.D.?
I have always dreamt of making innovations in the healthcare or education domain. Ph.D. provides me the opportunity to train to be an independent researcher through a rigorous process of solving challenging research problems with an international team of researchers.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love singing and playing chess. After coming to Hannover, I have developed a taste for traveling and occasional hikes on Sundays.
What’s your favorite place in Hannover?
Ricklinger Kiesteiche and Altwarmbüchener See
Contact: sroy@l3s.de
Personal webpage: datanalytics101.com